A born model if there ever was one.
She just sat there while i knelt in front of her for ages, trying to get the
perfect pic.
Studying, Italian style. This is
Biggi, my Icelandic housemate.
Top row: Simon the Scot, me, Julia
(England). Front row: Leo (Croatia) Mike (USA) and Paige (Australia)
When I first saw this sign I realised
Urbania *had* to be a tough town if this bridge was the only safe haven. Later I
found out this referred to fishing
The other Icelanders, Anna and Biggi
and the rolling hills around Urbania.
Biggi and Yet More Rolling Hills. I
*really* found them beautiful.
Melting all over the pavement. It was
*hot*. I *loved* it
Those below are Biggi's
Some church on the way to Urbino
In the Palazzo Ducale in Urbino
Picnicing, Mette, Dowell, Hardin, me,
Leo, Kelly, Matt, Tony
Me and Biggi in Assisi, the Duomo in
the background
In front of the Duomo in Assisi. Top
row: Brigitte, Biggi, Kelly, me, Guiliano, Front row: Leo and Simon
Preparing to make pasta by hand. I did
rather well, even if I say so myself.